Thursday, 25 August 2011

Comparison with EPROM and EEPROM/Flash:

                          The difference between EPROM and EEPROM lies in the way that the memory programs and erases. EEPROM can be programmed and erased electrically using field electron emission (more commonly known in the industry as "Fowler–Nordheim tunneling").EPROMs can't be erased electrically, and are programmed via hot carrier injection onto the floating gate. Erase is via an ultraviolet light source, although in practice many EPROMs are encapsulated in plastic that is opaque to UV light, and are "one-time programmable".Most NOR Flash memory is a hybrid style—programming is through hot carrier injection and erase is through Fowler–Nordheim tunneling.


Related types:-Flash memory is a later form of EEPROM. In the industry, there is a convention to reserve the term EEPROM to byte-wise erasable memories compared to block-wise erasable flash memories. EEPROM takes more die area than flash memory for the same capacity because each cell usually needs both a read, write and erase transistor, while in flash memory the erase circuits are shared by large blocks of cells (often 512×8).Newer non-volatile memory technologies such as FeRAM and MRAM are slowly replacing EEPROMs in some applications, but are expected to remain a small fraction of the EEPROM market for the foreseeable future

EEPROMs.Functions of EEPROM

              There are different types of electrical interfaces to EEPROM devices. Main categories of these interface types are:
1)Serial bus  2)Parallel bus
1)Serial bus devices:-Most common serial interface types are SPI, I²C, Microwire, UNI/O, and 1-Wire. These interfaces require between 1 and 4 control signals for operation, resulting in a memory device in an 8 pin (or less) package.The serial EEPROM (or SEEPROM) typically operates in three phases: OP-Code Phase, Address Phase and Data Phase. The OP-Code is usually the first 8-bits input to the serial input pin of the EEPROM device (or with most I²C devices, is implicit); followed by 8 to 24 bits of addressing depending on the depth of the device, then data to be read or written.Each EEPROM device typically has its own set of OP-Code instructions to map to different functions. Some of the common operations on SPI EEPROM devices are:
a)Write Enable (WREN)    b)Write Disable (WRDI)   c)Read Status Register (RDSR)   d)Write Status Register (WRSR)   e)Read Data (READ)   f)Write Data (WRITE)

Other operations supported by some EEPROM devices are:-
a)Program   b)Sector Erase    c)Chip Erase commands

2)Parallel bus devices:-Parallel EEPROM devices typically have an 8-bit data bus and an address bus wide enough to cover the complete memory. Most devices have chip select and write protect pins. Some microcontrollers also have integrated parallel EEPROM.Operation of a parallel EEPROM is simple and fast when compared to serial EEPROM, but these devices are larger due to the higher pin count (28 pins or more) and have been decreasing in popularity in favor of serial EEPROM or Flash.


             In 1978, George Perlegos at Intel developed the Intel 2816, which was built on earlier EPROM technology, but used a thin gate oxide layer so that the chip could erase its own bits without requiring a UV source. Perlegos and others later left Intel to form Seeq Technology, which used on-device charge pumps to supply the high voltages necessary for programming


                    EEPROM (also written E2PROM and pronounced "e-e-prom," "double-e prom" or simply "e-squared") stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory and is a type of non-volatile memory used in computers and other electronic devices to store small amounts of data that must be saved when power is removed, e.g., calibration tables or device configuration.
When larger amounts of static data are to be stored (such as in USB flash drives) a specific type of EEPROM such as flash memory is more economical than traditional EEPROM devices. EEPROMs are realized as arrays of floating-gate transistors.
                      EEPROM is user-modifiable read-only memory (ROM) that can be erased and reprogrammed (written to) repeatedly through the application of higher than normal electrical voltage generated externally or internally in the case of modern EEPROMs. EPROM usually must be removed from the device for erasing and programming, whereas EEPROMs can be programmed and erased in circuit. Originally, EEPROMs were limited to single byte operations which made them slower, but modern EEPROMs allow multi-byte page operations. It also has a limited life - that is, the number of times it could be reprogrammed was limited to tens or hundreds of thousands of times. That limitation has been extended to a million write operations in modern EEPROMs. In an EEPROM that is frequently reprogrammed while the computer is in use, the life of the EEPROM can be an important design consideration. It is for this reason that EEPROMs were used for configuration information, rather than random access memory.


         For large volumes of parts (thousands of pieces or more), mask-programmed ROMs are the lowest cost devices to produce. However, these require many weeks lead time to make, since the artwork for an IC mask layer must be altered to store data on the ROMs. Initially, it was thought that the EPROM would be too expensive for mass production use and that it would be confined to development only. It was soon found that small-volume production was economical with EPROM parts, particularly when the advantage of rapid upgrades of firmware was considered.
Some microcontrollers, from before the era of EEPROMs and flash memory, use an on-chip EPROM to store their program. Such microcontrollers include some versions of the Intel 8048, the Freescale 68HC11, and the "C" versions of the PIC microcontroller. Like EPROM chips, such microcontrollers came in windowed (expensive) versions that were useful for debugging and program development. The same chip came in (somewhat cheaper) opaque OTP packages for production. Leaving the die of such a chip exposed to light can also change behavior in unexpected ways when moving from a windowed part used for development to a non-windowed part for production.

Erasure can also be accomplished with X-rays

              "Erasure, however, has to be accomplished by non-electrical methods, since the gate electrode is not accessible electrically. Shining ultraviolet light on any part of an unpackaged device causes a photocurrent to flow from the floating gate back to the silicon substrate, thereby discharging the gate to its initial, uncharged condition. This method of erasure allows complete testing and correction of a complex memory array before the package is finally sealed. Once the package is sealed, information can still be erased by exposing it to X radiation in excess of 5*104 rads, a dose which is easily attained with commercial X-ray generators." (5*104 rad = 500 J/kg)[5]
                 "In other words, to erase your EPROM, you would first have to X-ray it and then put it in an oven at about 600 degrees Celsius (to anneal semiconductor alterations caused by the x-rays). The effects of this process on the reliability of the part would have required extensive testing so they decided on the window instead. (any temperature between 450 - 1410 °C should work).
                   EPROMs had a limited but large number of erase cycles; the silicon dioxide around the gates would accumulate damage from each cycle, making the chip unreliable after several thousand cycles. EPROM programming is slow compared to other forms of memory. Because higher-density parts have little exposed oxide between the layers of interconnects and gate, ultraviolet erasing becomes less practical for very large memories. Even dust inside the package can prevent some cells from being erased.


              As the quartz window is expensive to make, OTP (one-time programmable) chips were introduced; here, the die is mounted in an opaque package so it cannot be erased after programming - this also eliminates the need to test the erase function, further reducing cost. OTP versions of both EPROMs and EPROM-based microcontrollers are manufactured. However, OTP EPROM (whether separate or part of a larger chip) is being increasingly replaced by EEPROM for small amounts where the cell cost isn't too important and flash for larger amounts.

              A programmed EPROM retains its data for about ten to twenty years and can be read an unlimited number of times. The erasing window must be kept covered with an opaque label to prevent accidental erasure by sunlight. Old PC BIOS chips were often EPROMs, and the erasing window was often covered with a label containing the BIOS publisher's name, the BIOS revision, and a copyright notice. The practice of covering the BIOS chip with a label is still commonly seen as of today, even though current BIOS chips are actually EEPROMs or NOR flashes, with no erase windows.
                Erasure of the EPROM begins to occur with wavelengths shorter than 400 nm. Exposure time for sunlight of 1 week or 3 years for room fluorescent lighting may cause erasure. The recommended erasure procedure is exposure to UV light at 253.7 nm of at least 15 W-sec/cm2 for 20 to 30 minutes, with the lamp at a distance of about 1 inch.


          Development of the EPROM memory cell started with investigation of faulty integrated circuits where the gate connections of transistors had broken. Stored charge on these isolated gates changed their properties. The EPROM was invented by Dov Frohman of Intel in 1971, who was awarded US patent 3660189 in 1972.
Each storage location of an EPROM consists of a single field-effect transistor. Each field-effect transistor consists of a channel in the semiconductor body of the device. Source and drain contacts are made to regions at the end of the channel. An insulating layer of oxide is grown over the channel, then a conductive (silicon or aluminum) gate electrode is deposited, and a further thick layer of oxide is deposited over the gate electrode. The floating gate electrode has no connections to other parts of the integrated circuit and is completely insulated by the surrounding layers of oxide. A control gate electrode is deposited and further oxide covers it.
To retrieve data from the EPROM, the address represented by the values at the address pins of the EPROM is decoded and used to connect one word (usually an 8-bit byte) of storage to the output buffer amplifiers. Each bit of the word is a 1 or 0, depending on the storage transistor being switched on or off, conducting or non-conducting.
The switching state of the field-effect transistor is controlled by the voltage on the control gate of the transistor. Presence of a voltage on this gate creates a conductive channel in the transistor, switching it on. In effect, the stored charge on the floating gate allows the threshold voltage of the transistor to be programmed.
Storing data in the memory requires selecting a given address and applying a higher voltage to the transistors. This creates an avalanche discharge of electrons, which have enough energy to pass through the insulating oxide layer and accumulate on the gate electrode. When the high voltage is removed, the electrons are trapped on the electrode.Because of the high insulation value of the silicon oxide surrounding the gate, the stored charge cannot readily leak away and the data can be retained for decades.
Unlike EEPROMs, the programming process is not electrically reversible. To erase the data stored in the array of transistors, ultraviolet light is directed onto the die. Photons of the UV light create ionization within the silicon oxide, which allow the stored charge on the floating gate to dissipate. Since the whole memory array is exposed, all the memory is erased at the same time. The process takes several minutes for UV lamps of convenient sizes; sunlight would erase a chip in weeks, and indoor fluorescent lighting over several years. [3] Generally the EPROMs must be removed from equipment to be erased, since it's not usually practical to build in a UV lamp to erase parts in-circuit.


       An EPROM (rarely EROM), or erasable programmable read only memory, is a type of memory chip that retains its data when its power supply is switched off. In other words, it is non-volatile. It is an array of floating-gate transistors individually programmed by an electronic device that supplies higher voltages than those normally used in digital circuits. Once programmed, an EPROM can be erased by exposing it to strong ultraviolet light from a mercury-vapor light source. EPROMs are easily recognizable by the transparent fused quartz window in the top of the package, through which the silicon chip is visible, and which permits exposure to UV light during erasing.

Backup battery

       A backup battery provides power to a system when the primary source of power is unavailable. Backup batteries range from small single cells to retain clock time and date in computers, up to large battery room facilities that power uninterruptible power supply systems for large data centers. Small backup batteries may be primary cells; rechargeable backup batteries are kept charged by the prime power supply.
1)Aircraft emergency batteries:-Backup batteries in aircraft keep essential instruments and devices running in the event of an engine power failure. Each aircraft has enough power in the backup batteries to facilitate a safe landing. The batteries keeping navigation, ELUs (emergency lighting units), emergency pressure or oxygen systems running at altitude, and radio equipment operational. Larger aircraft have control surfaces that run on these backups as well. Aircraft batteries are either nickel-cadmium or valve-regulated lead acid type. The battery keeps all necessary items running for between 30 minutes and 3 hours. Large aircraft may have a ram air turbine to provide additional power during engine failures.
2)Burglar alarms:-Backup batteries are almost always used in burglar alarms. The backup battery prevents the burglar from disabling the alarm by turning off power to the building. Additionally these batteries power the remote cellular phone systems that thwart phone line snipping as well.
3)Computers:-Modern personal computer motherboards have a backup battery to run the clock circuit and retain configuation memory while the system is turned off. This is often called the CMOS battery. The original IBM AT, for example, used a small primary lithium battery to retain the clock and configuration memory. Modern systems use either primary or rechargeable batteries.  Primary batteries required periodic replacement; rechargeable types often lasted as long as the system they supported.
Backup batteries are used in uninterruptible power supplies, and provide power to the computers they supply for a variable period after a power failure, usually long enough to at least allow the computer to be shut down gracefully. These batteries are often large sealed lead-acid batteries.
Server-grade disk array controllers often contain onboard cache memory, and provide an option for a "backup battery unit" (BBU) to maintain the contents of this cache after power loss. If this battery is present, disk writes can be considered completed when they reach the cache, thus speeding up I/O throughput by not waiting for the hard drive. This operation mode is called "write-back caching".
4)Hospitals:-Power failure in a hospital would result in life threatening conditions for patients. Patients undergoing surgery or on life support are reliant on a consistent power supply. Backup generators or batteries supply power to critical equipment until main power can be restored.

Resetting the CMOS settings

            To access the BIOS setup when the machine fails to operate, occasionally a drastic move is required. In older computers with battery-backed RAM, removal of the battery and short circuiting the battery input terminals for a while did the job; in some more modern machines this move only resets the RTC. Some motherboards offer a CMOS-reset jumper or a reset button. In yet other cases, the EEPROM chip has to be desoldered and the data in it manually edited using a programmer. Sometimes it is enough to ground the CLK or DTA line of the I²C bus of the EEPROM at the right moment during boot, this requires some precise soldering on SMD parts. If the machine lets you boot but does not want to let you into the BIOS setup, one possible recovery is to deliberately "damage" the CMOS checksum by doing direct port writes using debug.exe, corrupting some bytes of the checksum-protected area of the CMOS RAM; at the next boot, the computer typically resets its setting to factory defaults. for example:
c:\debug         -o 70 10          -o 71 aa           -q


         The memory and real-time clock are generally powered by a CR2032 lithium coin cell. These cells last two to ten years, depending on the type of motherboard, ambient temperature and the time that the system is powered off, while other common cell types can last significantly longer or shorter periods, such as the CR2016 which will generally last about 40% as long. Higher temperatures and longer power-off time will shorten cell life. When replacing the cell, the system time and CMOS BIOS settings may revert to default values. This may be avoided by replacing the cell with the power supply master switch on. On ATX motherboards, this will supply 3V standby power to the motherboard even if it is apparently "switched off", and keep the CMOS memory energised.
Some computer designs have used non-button cell batteries, such as the cylindrical "1/2 AA" used in the Power Mac G4 as well as some older IBM PC compatibles, or a 3-cell NiCd CMOS battery that looks like a "barrel" (common in Amigas and older IBM PC compatibles), which serves the same purpose.


Nonvolatile BIOS memory refers to a small memory on PC motherboards that is used to store BIOS settings. It was traditionally called CMOS RAM because it used a low-power Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) SRAM (such as the Motorola MC146818 or similar) powered by a small battery when system power was off. The term remains in wide use but it has grown into a misnomer: nonvolatile storage in contemporary computers is often in EEPROM or flash memory (like the BIOS code itself); the remaining usage for the battery is then to keep the real-time clock going. The typical NVRAM capacity is 512 bytes, which is generally sufficient for all BIOS settings. The CMOS RAM and the real-time clock have been integrated as a part of the southbridge chipset and it may not be a standalone chip on modern motherboard.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Types of Sensors

Some commonly used sensors alongwith their principle and applications are explained as follows:
        1.   Temperature Sensors
This device collects information about temperature from a source and converts into a form that is understandable by other device or person. The best illustration of a temperature sensor is mercury in glass thermometer. The mercury in the glass expands and contracts depending on the alterations in temperature. The outside temperature is the source element for the temperature measurement. The position of the mercury is observed by the viewer to measure the temperature. There are two basic types of temperature sensors:
·        Contact Sensors – This type of sensor requires direct physical contact with the object or media that is being sensed. They supervise the temperature of solids, liquids and gases over a wide range of temperatures.
·        Non contact Sensors – This type of sensor does not require any physical contact with the object or media that is being sensed. They supervise non-reflective solids and liquids but are not useful for gases due to natural transparency. These sensors use Plank’s Law to measure temperature. This law deals with the heat radiated from the source of heat to measure the temperature.
Working of different types of Temperature Sensors along with examples
(i)     Thermocouple – They are made of two wires (each of different homogeneous alloy or metal) which form a measuring junction by joining at one end. This measuring junction is open to the elements being measured. The other end of the wire is terminated to a measuring device where a reference junction is formed. The current flows through the circuit since the temperature of the two junctions are different. The resulted milli-voltage is measured to determine the temperature at the junction. The diagram of thermocouple is shown below.(ii)     Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD) – These are types of thermal resistors that are fabricated to alter the electrical resistance with the alteration in temperature. They are very expensive than any other temperature detection devices. The diagram of Resistance Temperature Detectors is shown below.  
(iii)     Thermistors – They are another kind of thermal resistor where a large change in resistance is proportional to small change in temperature.
2.   IR Sensor
This device emits and/or detects infrared radiation to sense a particular phase in the environment. Generally, thermal radiation is emitted by all the objects in the infrared spectrum. Theinfrared sensor detects this type of radiation which is not visible to human eye.
·        Easy for interfacing
·        Readily available in market
·        Disturbed by noises in the surrounding such as radiations, ambient light etc.
The basic idea is to make use of IR LEDs to send the infrared waves to the object. Another IR diode of the same type is to be used to detect the reflected wave from the object. The diagram is shown below.
When IR receiver is subjected to infrared light, a voltage difference is produced across the leads. Less voltage which is produced can be hardly detected and hence operational amplifiers (Op-amps) are used to detect the low voltages accurately.
Measuring the distance of the object from the receiver sensor: The electrical property of IR sensor components can be used to measure the distance of an object. The fact when IR receiver is subjected to light, a potential difference is produced across the leads.
·        Thermography – According to the black body radiation law, it is possible to view the environment with or without visible illumination using thermography
·        Heating – Infrared can be used to cook and heat food items. They can take away ice from the wings of an aircraft. They are popular in industrial field such as, print dying, forming plastics, and plastic welding.
·       Spectroscopy – This technique is used to identify the molecules by analysing the constituent bonds. This technique uses light radiation to study organic compounds.
·        Meteorology – Cloud heights, calculate land and surface temperature is possible when weather satellites are equipped with scanning radiometers.
·        Photobiomodulation – This is used for chemotherapy in cancer patients. This is used to treat anti herpes virus.
·        Climatology – Monitoring the energy exchange between the atmosphere and earth.
·       Communications – Infra red laser provide light for optical fibre communication. These radiations are also used for short range communications among mobiles and computer peripherals.
3.   UV Sensor
These sensors measure the intensity or power of the incident ultraviolet radiation. This form of electromagnetic radiation has wavelengths longer than x-rays but is still shorter than visible radiation. An active material known as polycrystalline diamond is being used for reliable ultraviolet sensing. UV sensors can discover the exposure of environment to ultraviolet radiation.
Criteria to select a UV Sensor
·        Wavelength ranges in nanometres (nm) that can be detected by the UV sensors.
·        Operating temperature
·        Accuracy
·        Weight
·        Power range
The UV sensor accepts one type of energy signal and transmits different type of energy signals.
To observe and record these output signals they are directed to an electrical meter. To create graphs and reports, the output signals are transmitted to an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and then to a computer with software.
Examples include:
·        UV phototubes are radiation-sensitive sensors supervise UV air treatments, UV water treatments, and solar irradiance.
·        Light sensors measure the intensity of incident light.
·        UV spectrum sensors are charged coupled devices (CCD) utilized in scientific photography.
·        Ultraviolet light detectors.
·        Germicidal UV detectors.
·        Photo stability sensors.
·        Measures the portion of the UV spectrum which sunburns human skin
·        Pharmacy
·        Automobiles
·        Robotics
·        Printing industry for solvent handling and dyeing processes
·        Chemical industry for the production, storage, and transportation of chemicals
 4.   Touch Sensor

A touch sensor acts as a variable resistor as per the location where it is touched. The figure is as shown below.
A touch sensor is made of:
·        Fully conductive substance such as copper
·        Insulated spacing material such as foam or plastic
·        Partially conductive material
Principle and Working
The partially conductive material opposes the flow of current. The main principle of the linear position sensor is that the current flow is more opposed when the length of this material that must be travelled by the current is more. As a result, the resistance of the material is varied by changing the position at which it makes contact with the fully conductive material.
Generally, softwares are interfaced to the touch sensors. In such a case, a memory is being offered by the software. They can memorize the ‘last touched position’ when the sensor is deactivated. They can memorize the ‘first touched position’ once the sensor gets activated and understand all the values related to it. This act is similar to how one moves the mouse and locates it at the other end of mouse pad in order to move the cursor to the far side of the screen.
The touch sensors being cost effective and durable are used in many applications such as
·        Commercial – Medical, vending, Fitness and gaming
·        Appliances – Oven, Washing machine/dryers, dishwashers, refrigerators
·        Transportation – Cockpit fabrication and streamlining control among the vehicle manufacturers
·        Fluid level sensors
·        Industrial Automation – Position and liquid level sensing, human touch control in automation applications
·        Consumer Electronics – Provides a new feel and level of control in various consumer products
5.   Proximity Sensor
A proximity sensor detects the presence of objects that are nearly placed without any point of contact. Since there is no contact between the sensors and sensed object and lack of mechanical parts, these sensors have long functional life and high reliability.  The different types of proximity sensors are Inductive Proximity sensors, Capacitive Proximity sensors, Ultrasonic proximity sensors, photoelectric sensors, Hall-effect sensors, etc.
A proximity sensor emits an electromagnetic or electrostatic field or a beam of electromagnetic radiation (such as infrared), and waits for the return signal or changes in the field. The object which is being sensed is known as the proximity sensor's target.
Inductive Proximity sensors – They have an oscillator as input to change the loss resistance by the proximity of an electrically conductive medium. These sensors are preferred for metal targets.
Capacitive Proximity sensors – They convert the electrostatic capacitance variation flanked by the detecting electrode and the ground electrode. This occurs by approaching the nearby object with a variation in an oscillation frequency. To detect the nearby object, the oscillation frequency is transformed into a direct current voltage which is compared with a predetermined threshold value. These sensors are preferred for plastic targets.
·        Used in automation engineering to define operating states in process engineering plants, production systems and automating plants
·        Used in windows, and the alarm is activated when the window opens
·        Used in machine vibration monitoring to calculate the difference in distance between a shaft and its support bearing
Different definitions are approved to distinguish sensors and transducers. Sensors can be defined as an element that senses in one form of energy to produce a variant in same or another form of energy. Transducer converts the measurand into the desired output using the transduction principle.
Based on the signals that are obtained and created, the principle can be categorized into following groups namely, Electrical, Mechanical, Thermal, Chemical, Radiant, and Magnetic.
Let’s take the example of an ultrasonic sensor.
An ultrasonic sensor is used to detect the presence of an object. It achieves this by emitting ultrasonic waves from the device head and then receiving the reflected ultrasonic signal from the concerned object. This helps in detecting the position, presence and movement of objects.
Since ultrasonic sensors rely on sound rather than light for detection, it is widely used to measure water-levels, medical scanning procedures and in the automobile industry. Ultrasonic waves can detect transparent objects such as transparent films, glass bottles, plastic bottles, and plate glass, using its Reflective Sensors.
The movement of ultrasonic waves differ due to shape and type of media. For example, ultrasonic waves move straight in a uniform medium, and are reflected and transmitted back at the boundary between differing media. A human body in air causes considerable reflection and can be easily detected.
The travelling of ultrasonic waves can be best explained by understanding the following:
1.     Multi-reflection 
Multi-reflection takes place when waves are reflected more than once between the sensor and the detection object.
2.      Limit zone
The minimum sensing distance and maximum sensing distance can be adjusted. This is called the limit zone.
3.     Undetection zone
The undetected zone is the interval between the surface of the sensor head and the minimum detection distance resulting from detection distance adjustment. The figure is shown below. 
The Undetection zone is the area close to the sensor where detection is not possible due to the sensor head configuration and reverberations. Detection may occur in the uncertainty zone due to multi-reflection between the sensor and the object.
Sensors are used in many kinds of applications such as:
·        Shock Detection
·        Machine monitoring applications
·        Vehicle dynamics
·        Low power applications
·        Structural Dynamics
·        Medical Aerospace
·        Nuclear Instrumentation
·        As pressure sensor in Mobiles ‘touch key pad’
·        Lamps which brighten or dim on touching its base
·        Touch sensitive buttons in elevators
Advanced Sensor Technology
Sensor technology is used in wide range in the field of Manufacturing. The advanced technologies are as follows:
1.     Bar-code Identification - The products sold in the markets has a Universal Product Code (UPC) which is a 12 digit code. Five of the numbers signify the manufacturer and other five signify the product. The first six digits are represented by code as light and dark bars. The first digit signifies the type of number system and the second digit which is parity signifies the accuracy of the reading. The remaining six digits are represented by code as dark and light bars reversing the order of the first six digits. Bar code is shown in the figure given below.
The bar code reader can manage different bar code standards even without having the knowledge of the standard code. The disadvantage with bar coding is that the bar scanner is unable to read if the bar code is concealed with grease or dirt.
2.     Transponders - In the automobile section, Radio frequency device is used in many cases. The transponders are hidden inside the plastic head of the key which is not visible to anyone. The key is inserted in the ignition lock cylinder. As you turn the key, the computer transmits a radio signal to the transponder. The computer will not let the engine to ignite until the transponder responds to the signal. These transponders are energized by the radio signals. The figure of a transponder is as shown below:
3.     Electromagnetic Identification of Manufactured Components - This is similar to the bar code technology where the data can be coded on magnetic stripe. With magnetic striping, the data can be read even if the code is concealed with grease or dirt.
4.     Surface Acoustic Waves - This process is similar to the RF identification. Here, the part identification gets triggered by the radar type signals and is transmitted over long distances as compared to the RF systems. 
5.     Optical Character Recognition - This is a type of automatic identification technique which uses alphanumeric characters as the source of information. In United States, Optical character recognition is used in mail processing centres. They are also used in vision systems and voice recognition systems.